What You Can Do with the App
You can set up pre-sale announcements and limited-time sales.
It allows you to set the selling period (start and end dates) for each variant.
Outside the selling period (before the start and after the end of the sale), you can hide the cart button to prevent purchases.
You can display custom messages on the product page at different times: before the sale starts, during the sale, and after the sale ends.
You can customize the design of the product page before the sale starts, during the sale, and after the sale ends.
It prevents purchases of products outside the selling period and displays custom alert messages.
Also supports cases that were not covered by existing sales period setting apps:
Purchases through the cart button generated by the BuyButton.
Purchases through cart buttons generated by third-party apps, such as favorite apps.
Purchases of products that remained in the cart outside the selling period.
Purchases through cart buttons forcibly displayed by coding.